Program description

Khrami Valley, endangered, cultural heritage research program.

Khrami Valley is one of the unique places in Georgia with its history, landscape, ethnography and cultural heritage monuments.

This valley combines the most important monuments of Georgian architecture. Due to numerous historical cataclysms, a large part of these monuments are in a deplorable condition and need immediate attention, both in terms of restoration and research.

The migration of the population is a special challenge for the cultural heritage monuments of this valley. Here we can see villages in which the population has changed three or more times in the last two hundred years. This circumstance poses a serious problem for the cultural heritage sites located in these villages. In many cases, the new population of the village did not feel any religious or cultural connection with the monument at the new settlement. Which is why it was and is frequent to damage monuments for the purpose of obtaining building materials or other purposes.

There are also numerous villages and monasteries along the Khrami River, which have been abandoned for various reasons and the monuments in their area are mostly damaged in most cases.

The Khrami Valley and endangered, cultural heritage monument research program aims to address the major challenges and threats to cultural heritage sites in this valley, which are particularly vulnerable. As well as localizing new, lesser-known monuments to the scientific community and researching data about them for further popularization and protection.

The monuments for this project were selected on the basis of their distance from the settlements, the architectural condition and the threats associated with them.

List of monuments that are included in this program: