Our Goals
- To protect and popularise the cultural heritage of Georgia;
- To campaign saving Georgia’s most endangered heritage sites and support actions lead by our partner organisations
- To promote best practices in the heritage field across Georgia – from research to conservation, from education, training and awareness-raising to the dedicated service of professionals and volunteers;
- To be forceful advocates of heritage – towards policy-makers at all levels of governance: local, regional, national and on a global scale;
- To give shape and voice to an ever-growing citizens’ movement to support cultural heritage in Georgia.
Our values
- Cultural Heritage is essential for a prosperous, unified and stable Georgia;
- Cultural Heritage should be respected in urban and rural development;
- Culture Heritage is not a relic of the past; it is a relevant, useful and accessible part of today and tomorrow;
- Cultural Heritage is complex and multi-layered and therefore does not belong to one cultural group or nation, but instead belongs to all world;
- Cultural Heritage is on loan from future generations and good stewardship in the present is therefore the responsibility of everyone living in Georgia.
Our vision
- To put culture and cultural heritage at the very core of the Georgian project on behalf of our members as the representative civil society movement in Georgia to the advantage of all Georgians;
- Culture and cultural heritage are an essential part of any society, its character and identity, its loss or destruction, Regardless of the circumstances, is unacceptable.